Timbra Brand 14″ x 90cm 16 lug Aluminum timbal. Sound, sound sound, this includes sound body construction, sound rims and hardware, and most important, the amazing sound of the drum.
This incredible Brazilian made timbal is arguably the best timbal on the market. Designed in partnership with Brazil’s IZZO manufacturing and the amazing Carlinhos Brown, using his own custom made timbal as a design model to create the revolutionary Timbra timbal. This samba reggae timbal excites noted timbal players in both Brazil and worldwide. Together with high quality rims, well crafted body and and 16 tuning lugs compared to the standard 8 lugs this amazing drum knows few limitations. The 16 lug design allows for the highest pitched tuning possible. The Timbra line was created to answer the needs of the highest level professional Brazilian musicians and set a new standard for samba instruments. We challenge any make of timbal to compare side by side with this amazing Brazilian drum. As the saying goes, “ the proof is in the pudding’ or in this case “the proof is in the sound”. A limited supply is available.